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Thus does the latest episode unfold in Iraq.

  • قام المجلس الأعلى لتنظيم الإعلام باستدعاء الممثل القانوني لجريدة "المصري اليوم" بسبب نشر إحدى الفتاوى المنسوبة لأحد الشيوخ والتي من شأنها إثارة الفتنة والحض على التمييز بين المواطنين.

  • According to Brig-Gen Turki al-Maliki, spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, the ship was carrying supplies to Jazan in southern Saudi Arabia from the UAE-controlled Yemeni island of Socotra to Jazan after setting up a field hospital there.

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… Why Saudi Arabia is wooing Oman and the UAE reaching out to Iran By Abdel Bari Atwan With the main Arab states in both the Mashreq and Maghreb mired in domestic or external troubles and turmoil and in a state of diplomatic torpor, an unprecedented flurry of activity is taking place in the Gulf region focused primarily on the issue of restoring relations — or not — with Iran.

  • But wishing is one thing and the reality on the ground quite another.

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