دمار - كلمات أغنية دمار حمزة المحمداوي

دمار Sodom and

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دمار كلمات أغنية


دمار كلمات أغنية

دمار دمارُ شامل

دمار Sodom and

دمار Stream دمار

Sodom and Gomorrah: A Story about Sin and…

دمار دمارُ شامل

دمار Stream دمار

Sodom and Gomorrah: A Story about Sin and…

كلمات أغنية دمار حمزة المحمداوي

We now learn that their destination is the city of Sodom, the place where Lot had chosen to live.

  • The one to Abraham is for the purpose of announcing a birth; the one to Lot, for the purpose of announcing impending death.

  • He successfully persuades them to spend the night in his house, and he provides food for them.

2022 gma.nyne.com