Tagalog arabic - 👉 Tagalog(Filipino) to Arabic Translation Online Tool

Arabic tagalog The Tagalog

Arabic tagalog TRANSLATE Arabic

Filipino translation in Arabic

Arabic tagalog Arabic and

Arabic tagalog Salamat is

Filipino translation in Arabic

Arabic tagalog The Tagalog

The Tagalog

Arabic tagalog tagalog at

Arabic tagalog Salamat is

tagalog at arabic

Arabic tagalog 👉 Tagalog(Filipino)

Arabic tagalog The Tagalog

Arabic tagalog ARABIC in

🆓 FREE Tagalog to Arabic translation

A number of indigenous languages that have coexisted with Spanish for long periods of time have fully incorporated Spanish functional words, at times producing syntactic innovations that depart significantly from the base structures of the borrowing language.

  • There is a fairly good correspondence between spelling and pronunciation.

  • Tagalog is known formally as , the name under which Tagalog is designated the national language of the Philippines, as well as an official language alongside English.

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