25 October 2021.
On 17 July 2021, Mujahid apologized for the death of Reuters' journalist , who was killed in a clash between Afghan forces and Taliban.
في غضون ذلك، قالت أكثر من دولة في العالم، إنها تنتظر ريثما تتضح سياسة طالبان في عدد من النواحي، على رأسها مراعاة حقوق المرأة والأقليات، حتى تقرر بشأن مسألة الاعتراف بالحركة.
Zabihullah Mujahid : ذبیح الله مجاهد; Ẕabīḥullāh Mujāhid ; also spelled Dhabih Allah is an official Central spokesman for the since 25 October 2021 and Deputy since 7 September 2021.
He has also released videos on his Twitter account showing the Taliban's activity throughout the conflict.
Robertson described the man as close to 30 years old, bearded, and slightly over 6 feet 1.