Btr roblox - How To Find Empty Servers in Roblox?

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I am not sure if I should trust BTRoblox anymore or not.. : roblox

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I am not sure if I should trust BTRoblox anymore or not.. : roblox

How this change could be improved: I think there are better ways of approaching this issue.

  • Summed up, I have a suggestion for improvement, and believe change is necessary because while the current change satisfies are large percentage of users, it does not satisfy a large percentage of user types.

  • If there are only two servers, and no one is my friend in the other server, I have to rely on matchmaking and a 50% chance of not landing in the same server again.

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Please give it a thumbs up if it worked for you and a thumbs down if its not working so that we can see if they have taken it down due to copyright issues.

  • This is actually really pissing me off since, she has literally 300 dollars worth of Robux sitting in her account.

  • To add onto that, half of the ads I see are for groups, so they have to be a large revenue source.