Train to busan 2 - Phim Bán Đảo Peninsula

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2 train to busan Watch Train

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Train to busan 2? : Koreanfilm

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2 train to busan Train to

Train To Busan 2: Peninsula Ending & Twist Explained

2 train to busan Watch Train

2 train to busan Watch Train

2 train to busan Phim Bán

2 train to busan Does Netflix

Train to Busan 2: Peninsula Resurrects International Box Office with $20M Debut

Is Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula As Good As The Original?

Welcome to the port city of Incheon, a broken urban landscape, flattened by rampaging zombie hordes and littered with the desiccated remains left by their path of destruction.

  • It picks up four years later as Hong Kong struggles to contain the zombie apocalypse.

  • He puts Su-an and Seong-kyeong inside the engine room, teaches Seong-kyeong how to operate the train, and says goodbye to his daughter before throwing himself off the locomotive.


An injured Min-jung requests that Jung-seok bring Joon and Yu-jin to the helicopter, while she clears the path of zombies.

  • A group of humans emerges out of the dark corners of the city.

  • He's super modern too, so his favorite movies include Jaws, Die Hard, The Thing, Ghostbusters and Batman.

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