Somewhere in the back of their mind I'm sure they don't want to get rid of all subscribers.
I believe they probably are working on a solution but believe it not, farmers do make up about 30% of their population.
As you can see SOE is accepting the new trend and making a huge load of profit, I'm sure Blizzard would follow up on the idea as well.
As some of you may know, another popular mmorpg publisher is Sony Online Entertainment SOE with their many leading titles including the first MMORPG hit EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, and EverQuest 2.
النشاط خارج فيسبوك يمكنك مراجعة نشاطك خارج فيسبوك، والذي يمثل ملخصًا للنشاط الذي تشاركه الأنشطة التجارية والمؤسسات معنا عن تفاعلاتك معها، مثل زيارة تطبيقاتها أو مواقعها على الويب.
Extra cash flow for the mighty O Blizzard.